There’s much to be excited about this week with the release of a new Gorillaz track and a new Power Rangers trailer.
In the meantime, you might want to think twice about downloading the hot new Meitu app.
And while you’re here, check out the cool volcano footage.
Gorillaz Release First New Song Since 2011
After a six year break, Gorillaz has released a new song: Hallelujah Money. The new track borrows the presence of Benjamin Clementine, a British artist, who does vocal work in front of a montage of clips. Rolling Stones says that we can expect the release of a new Gorillaz album, the first since 2011, to be released some time this year.
Official Power Rangers Trailer Released
Lionsgate has just uploaded to YouTube an official Power Rangers trailer. Anyone keeping up with the hype may remember the teaser trailer from October, which didn’t really show off any iconic Power Ranger imagery. Finally we get a better look at the Power Rangers in action, Bryan Cranston’s computerized face, an Alfalfa with a bit of attitude, Rita Repulsa leading an army of bad guys seemingly made of asphalt, and a brief appearance of the iconic Zords.
“Meitu” App Reportedly Using Your Info
A new photo app from China, Meitu, has been making the rounds for its overly-glamorized filter magic, comically transforming you or a subject into a wide-eyed and sparkly manga character. But as CNET reports, the app might not be as innocent and bubbly as it appears.
Tech-savvy users noticed that the app asks for an awful lot of permissions, requesting info from your phone that doesn’t seem necessary for a photo app. CNET has since updated the story with news that the app seems to be sending your phone’s unique identifier (IMEI) to Chinese servers, which is a little worrisome. On the other hand, it’s worth noting that strict Chinese law might be responsible; it’s possible the creators of the app are merely conforming to their national laws and are not out using your IMEI for nefarious purposes.
Colima Volcano Erupts (Again)
In Colima, one of Mexico’s largest volcanoes erupted, lighting up the night sky. Luckily, the whole thing was caught on video. It was reported that the volcano could be heard from 50 miles away. Apparently, the volcano has been more active in the last three months.